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Tivoli Village

Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays from 9:00am to 10:00am at Tivoli Village starting Feb 28, 2013

Classes will meet in the Piazza (central grassy area) located in the center of Tivoli Village directly in front of Restoration Hardware. During the summer months, our class will meet outdoors for warm up and then utilize suite 180 for our strength stations. Please arrive at least 10 minutes before your first complimentary class & pre enroll for the latest details on class meeting locations.


Endurance Training & Body Conditioning

Run Club+ DIY $79 per class No purchase required to enroll

Looking to train for an upcoming race but need to do it on a more flexible schedule? Our Run Club+ DIY offers our digital race training plan (emailed directly to your inbox) specific to your desired mileage along with access to our online virtual support group with tips, resources and more!

Special Events

FREE Body Well Preview Class Free No purchase required to enroll

Learn more about our results based program while experiencing our targeted HIIT workout format that helps to get you RESULTS while creating community along the way!

*Special Event* FREE Stroller Strides Class Free No purchase required to enroll

FIT4MOM Mom’s Day Out with Dear Liv at Le Cafe du Sud Free Purchase required to enroll

Mama, it's your turn to relax, learn, and indulge at our October Mom's Day Out. Join us on Sunday October 2nd for an afternoon dedicated to you!

*Special Event* Las Vegas Baby Expo Free No purchase required to enroll

*Special Event* Free No purchase required to enroll

See our website events for details on this special event! https://lasvegas.fit4mom.com/events-playgroups

Moms On A Mission: Community Service Free No purchase required to enroll